@Mound456 hi, the "force update for gangs" option in the mod options menu only makes them "think" faster, but won't provide them the money to make the actions always possible. You probably want to make them earn money more often, by editing the msTimeBetweenTurfRewards option. If you want them to passively think more often, you should also reduce the ticksBetweenGangAIUpdates option
@Pliskin92k hmmm there should be some conflicts, like this mod probably won't recognize if you're controlling a custom ped from that mod... but it's worth a try hehe
@Kasa are the Families being spawned by this mod, or is it the vanilla game? Because this mod doesn't affect the vanilla spawns, so Ballas will always spawn in grove street, for example
@TwoBucks I think it depends on how you want to play the mod: if you want lore-friendly gangs, there's this one: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/all-gangs-for-gang-and-turf-mod-updated . If you want something more war-oriented, there are other adaptations, like "red dawn" and others from PtiTony. You could also let the mod generate gangs and it'll probably go towards a silly Saints Row style
@Barricaded yeah, it's ok if multiple gangs have the same color (it'll just be harder to distinguish them haha). About compact rile's hash, yes, it's "CompactRifle"
@tom210403@comradefox it's probably a good idea to check the scripthookvdotnet.log file. If there's no log file after playing but you can still open the scripthookvdotnet console with F4, then it's probably a folder permissions issue
@kkre999 are you using any other mods? Have you tweaked the modOptions file?
@Mound456 hi, the "force update for gangs" option in the mod options menu only makes them "think" faster, but won't provide them the money to make the actions always possible. You probably want to make them earn money more often, by editing the msTimeBetweenTurfRewards option. If you want them to passively think more often, you should also reduce the ticksBetweenGangAIUpdates option
@littleG nossa, que estranho... pode ser algum outro mod? Porque é a primeira vez que ouço falar de um crash tão imediato assim
@Pliskin92k hmmm there should be some conflicts, like this mod probably won't recognize if you're controlling a custom ped from that mod... but it's worth a try hehe
@littleG os modelos e carros que vc tá usando são do jogo original? Crasha com qualquer modelo como personagens da gangue?
@Kasa are the Families being spawned by this mod, or is it the vanilla game? Because this mod doesn't affect the vanilla spawns, so Ballas will always spawn in grove street, for example
@MSAunmatched555 yeah, 7 is the limit of followers, but if you're inside a vehicle you can press H to make a targeted friendly vehicle follow you
@TwoBucks I think it depends on how you want to play the mod: if you want lore-friendly gangs, there's this one: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/all-gangs-for-gang-and-turf-mod-updated . If you want something more war-oriented, there are other adaptations, like "red dawn" and others from PtiTony. You could also let the mod generate gangs and it'll probably go towards a silly Saints Row style
@Barricaded yeah, it's ok if multiple gangs have the same color (it'll just be harder to distinguish them haha). About compact rile's hash, yes, it's "CompactRifle"
@tom210403 @comradefox it's probably a good idea to check the scripthookvdotnet.log file. If there's no log file after playing but you can still open the scripthookvdotnet console with F4, then it's probably a folder permissions issue